In this paper we discuss the natural boundary element method for harmonic equation in an exterior elliptic domain. 本文以调和方程为例,研究椭圆外区域上的自然边界无法。
The method and technique of calculating thermo-physical properties of natural gas using RKS equation are mainly introduced in this paper. 介绍了采用RKS方程求解天然气热物性的求解方法和技巧。
Dealing with Natural Boundary Conditions in Difference Equation of Poisson Equation of Three-Dimensional Spherical Domain 三维球形域泊松方程的差分方程中自然边界条件的处理
A new characterization of the almost homogeneous functions is obtained which can be considered as a natural extension of the Euler equation characterizing the homogeneous functions. 给出了几乎齐次函数的一个新的刻划定理,这一刻划是齐次函数欧拉定理的拓广。
In this paper, a new dispersive wave real-time forecast method is presented, which describes law of flood wave motion in natural channel by dispersive wave equation, combines river channel flow routing with mathematics physics inverse problem theory and discrete inverse method. 以扩散波方程描述天然河道中的洪水波运动规律,将数学物理反问题理论和离散反演算法与河道流量演算相结合,提出了扩散波实时预报的方法。
The calculating method of the end winding electrodynamic force is given. Based on the structural characteristics of large generators, the natural vibration frequency and forced vibration equation of stator winding is set up. 文中给出了端部绕组的电动力计算方法,并根据大型电机的结构特点建立了定子绕组固有振动频率和强迫振动方程。
Thinking over the influence of box beam's shear lag effect, making use of the governing different equations and related natural boundary conditions of bending vibration to box girder. And according to these conditions, this paper presented natural frequency equation of continuous box beam. 考虑箱形截面梁剪力滞后效应的影响,利用推导出的箱形截面梁的弯曲振动方程及其自然边界条件,并据此进一步推导出了多跨箱形截面梁的固有频率方程。
Discussion on the Lubrication Mechanism of Natural Human Joints and Lubrication Equation 人类天然关节润滑机理和润滑方程的探讨
The natural frequency formula and vibration differential equation of the BVA systems are studied with D'Alembert theory and kinetics equations, the system's vibration control mechanism is also expounded by the SDOF displacement-loaded mechanics model. 运用D'Alembert原理和动力学普遍方程推导了钢球减振器体系自振频率的计算公式和振动微分方程,用单自由度位移激励强迫振动模型阐述了该减振体系的减振机理。
By making use of flood regulation information in which discharge hydrograph, reservoir characteristic curve are simulated by utilizing natural spline function, differential equation of flood regulation calculation is derived; 在利用自然样条函数拟合洪水流量过程线、水库特性曲线等调洪资料的基础上,导出调洪演算的微分方程式;
The natural frequencies, the equation of motion and the node of vibration are discussed for the vibration system of a cradle dynamic balancing machine. 本文讨论了框架式动平衡机振动系统的自然频率运动方程、振动中心等问题;
Considering the influence of electromagnetic field on the structural deformation, and supposing that the wire's deformation was small, a natural lateral vibrant control equation of wire carrying electric current under the periodical excitation in the magnetic field was established by chord modeling. 在考虑电磁场对结构变形影响基础上,假设导线变形为小变形,采用弦的模型建立了载流导线在磁场中的周期激励作用下的横向振动控制方程。
Graphical Method of Expanding Natural Frequency Equation for a Vibratory System with Multiple Degree of Freedom 轴对称弹性薄壳自振频率与模态的计算多自由度系统自振频率方程展开的图形方法
Based on the natural boundary integral equation for two dimensional elasticity, a corresponding elasto plastic formulation is presented in this paper. 以二维弹性力学自然边界积分方程法为基础建立了二维弹塑性问题的自然边界积分方程。
In this paper, the tension spline numerical method proposed by the author is applied to solve natural convection problem. The primitive-variable N-S equation is solved by the pressure-poisson-equation technique. 本文将基于压力泊松方程技术的原参数N-S方程的张力样条数值解法〔1〕推广应用于自然对流问题的数值模拟,提出了自然对流问题的一个新的数值模拟方法。
The Natural Integral Equation and Poisson Formula of an Elliptic System on the Upper-half Plane 上半平面上的第一类椭圆型方程组的自然积分方程
From which the mathematical models like wave equation, natural frequency equation and tubing string vibration displacement equation used to describe the tubing string vibration laws have been educed. 推导出了描述油管柱振动规律的波动方程、固有频率方程、油管柱振动位移方程等数学模型。
Shannon wavelet method of natural boundary element of harmonic equation 调和方程自然边界元Shannon小波方法
We explore the natural boundary integral equation and Poisson formula of the elliptic equation of the? rst type in the upper-half plane by using the Fourier Transformation. 主要用Fourier变换法讨论第一类椭圆型方程组在上半平面的自然积分方程和Poisson积分公式。
From the motion equation of the bar which vibrates one-dimensionally and longitudinally, the model of mechanical four-terminal network and the transfer equations are set up, and the natural frequency equation of coniform horn and the ratio of speed of vibration are derived. 从变截面杆作一维纵振动的运动方程出发,建立机械四端网络的数学模型及传输特性方程,导出了圆锥形变幅杆的频率方程和振速比。
The Calculation of the Property Parameters of Natural Gas Using LKP Equation 天然气物性的LKP方程求解
According to the principium and test method of RayleighWave, contrast carrying-board in locale ( natural gravel), found the regress equation between two modulus of subgraded and draw a conclusion. 根据瑞利波测试方法与工作原理,对填料为天然砂砾的土基进行了现场测试并对比了传统的承载板法,建立两种方法所测土基模量之间的关系,提出了一些结论。
On the natural integral equation for initial boundary value problems of two dimensional hyperbolic equation 关于二维双曲型初边值问题的自然积分方程
The natural frequency equation of slender tower with the transfer matrix method is deduced. Through actual calculation and comparing with the results of JB 4710& 92, the method is proved to be available. 采用传递矩阵法推算出了塔设备固有频率的计算式,并通过实际计算以及与JB4710&92《钢制塔式容器》中的结果进行比较,证明该方法是可行的。
The multi-dimensional dynamical system can be transformed into several independent univariate second-order vibration systems because the normalization of shape matrix can ensure natural decoupling of dynamical equation. 形状矩阵的正交化处理可以保证得到的动力学方程自然解耦,转化为若干个独立的单变量二阶振动系统;
The natural frequency equation is derived by using the Nagaya's Fourier expansion method~ ( [ 31] [ 41]). 利用Nagaya提出的Fourier展开配置法导出固有频率方程。
The coupled method based on the natural boundary reduction for parabolic equation 抛物方程基于自然边界归化的耦合法
The main content is as following: 1. Tension springs with mass were used to simplify solder bumps of FC, and then natural frequency equation of vibration model of FC was derived. 本文主要内容包括:1.将焊点简化为有质量的拉伸弹簧,推导出FC芯片振动模型的固有振动方程。
Deduce the natural convection control equation in limited space, the mathematic model of down-hole driver for analyzing three-dimensional temperature field was established. 对有限空间自然对流控制方程式进行了推导,并建立了井下驱动器简化模型的三维温度场分析数学模型。